external Exploring the Possibilities of Native JavaScript Decorators Native support for decorators is inevitable! It simplifies augmenting class methods, which can help with things like logging, memoization, debouncing, and dependency injection.
external Control JavaScript Promises from Anywhere Using Promise.withResolvers() A guest post I had the privilege of writing for the Frontend Masters blog.
external Reliably Send an HTTP Request as a User Leaves a Page A post on CSS Tricks exploring why HTTP requests sent during page navigation are at risk of abandonment, as well as options available to prevent it from happening.
external As an Engineer, Write A post on behalf of my team about why growing in your craft requires writing more than just code.
external Avoid Heavy Babel Transformations by (Sometimes) Not Writing Modern JavaScript A guest post on CSS Tricks in which I explore some of the times you might consider using “old school” approaches in JavaScript in order to avoid particularly heavy Babel transformations.
external Why Using reduce() to Sequentially Resolve Promises Works A post on CSS Tricks in which I explore why JavaScript’s reduce() method is able to help sequentually resolve a collection of Promise objects.