remote:jamcomments You Might As Well Use a Content Security Policy Content Security Policies, even for simple, content-focused sites, offer good protection against rare but real vulnerabilities out there. You might as well just get one.
remote:jamcomments JamComments Now Offers AI-Powered Moderation You can now use an LLM to moderate new comments submitted through JamComments. Here's the why and how.
remote:jamcomments On Building Structured Data with Client-Side JavaScript Thinking through some of the trade-offs and benefits in using client-side JavaScript to generate structured data.
remote:jamcomments Adding Structured Data in Astro's Starlight Documentation Framework Astro's Starlight documentation theme is great, but currently lacks support for building structured data (JSON-LD). Fortunately, it's easy enough to roll yourself by overriding a component.
remote:jamcomments It’s Probably Only Getting More Important to Use (Good) Structured Data Exploring the purpose of structured data in the SEO game, why it's poised to become even more important in the future, and how to start leveraging it well.
remote:jamcomments How to Lazy Load Disqus for Improved Site Performance I’ve been a vocal opponent of using Disqus for a number of reasons, one of which being what it does to the performance of your website. It’s actually one of the reasons I built an alternative. Despite that, it’s a widely used service that won’t be
remote:jamcomments Keep Using Disqus if You Don’t Care About SEO, Performance, and User Privacy I remember when I first started to get a little more serious about blogging. It was with a statically generated Gatsby site, with posts stored in flat Markdown files, and deployed on Netlify. I loved it. But I knew it was still missing something I wanted: a way for readers