remote:picperf Avoiding a "Host Permission" Review Delay When Publishing a Chrome Extension Get a Chrome extension reviewed a smidge more quickly by more carefully executing its client-side scripts only when they're needed.
remote:picperf Collect All Requested Images on a Website Using Puppeteer Walking through how I used Puppeteer to programmatically collect every image loaded when a page is viewed in the browser.
remote:picperf It Might Be Worth Converting that GIF to an Animated WebP Despite it's key role in modern meme culture, it may be ready to migrate from the animated GIF to a format offering some serious technical advantages -- WebP.
remote:picperf Looking Forward to (Hopefully) Not Needing Responsive Images One Day I’ve decided I don’t like the responsive image API in HTML, or at least the idea that we still need it as a performance tool. By "responsive," I mean "show different versions of an image based on device," using only HTML. If it’s
remote:picperf You Might Consider Using an Image Sitemap Depending on the site, image sitemaps can be a helpful tool in an SEO strategy, making it ultra-clear to search engines the images they can and should index. Let's explore setting one up.
remote:picperf Transform Image URLs with a Simple Cloudflare Worker Cloudflare Workers make it easy to quickly transform HTML on the fly with no third-party dependencies. Let's show how smooth the process is by building one to prepare every image URL for use with
remote:picperf It's Never Been Easier to Performantly Put Images on the Web The web has made many significant, meaningful advancements in performantly loading and rendering images over the years. Let's reminisce about a few.
remote:picperf Why Your Website Should Use Modern Image Formats With respect to performance, the format you choose for your site's images can have a huge impact on your site's performance and overall user experience.